Meet Our Team
John Hagenbuch
John Hagenbuch President

John has been married for 31 years and has 2 young adult daughters. He grew up in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, graduating from the University of Pittsburgh with an Industrial Engineering degree.

John is retired now, but worked 35 years for the same manufacturing company, starting in engineering and then moved into various managerial roles. For the past 20 years, he was the plant manager of 2 different facilities. At the end of his career, he worked on large capital projects to expand production capacity for the business.


Jen Greenwood General Manager/Business Administrator

Shortly after startup of an accounting and consulting business in 2001, Jen joined our team as an accountant and sales support team member. Her dependability, great problem-solving ability, and self-starting nature have led her to share in the responsibility of caring for the whole company. She oversees all aspects of the business with a watchful eye, and is your first point of contact for sales orders and plant availability, accounting, HR, procurement, marketing and customer relations, and business development. Jen’s business experience has proven to be invaluable in our efforts to drive our farm forward and maximize growth. She lives on a small hobby farm in Dimock, PA with her husband and three children.


Jeremy Robinson Operations Supervisor

Jeremy has been with Jeffers Farms for over 20 years. He started as a part-time laborer at 15yrs old, progressed to the Crew Foreman position, and has been Operations Supervisor for the last five years. Jeremy is a state licensed Pesticide Applicator, possesses a commercial driver’s license, and has become a key member of the team. He is responsible for all daily operations of the farm, including sustainability and plant health management, supervision of the labor force and sales support, tagging and customer service.

The strongest of team players, Jeremy’s tireless energy, wit and humor endear him to customers and co-workers alike.


Get In Touch

  • Jeffers Farms, Inc.
  •  12330 State Route 106
    Kingsley, PA 18826
  •  Sales Office: 570-289-4512
  •  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.